Assoc. Prof. Sameer Kumar
University of Malaya, Malaysia
Brief introduction: Professor Fushuan Wen received the B.E. and M.E. degrees from Tianjin University, Tianjin, China, in 1985 and 1988, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree from Zhejiang University, Hangzhou,China, in 1991, all in electrical engineering. He joined the faculty of Zhejiang University in 1991, and has been a full professor and the director of the Institute of Power Economics and Information since 1997, and the director of Zhejiang University-Insigma Joint Research Center for Smart Grids since 2010.
He has been undertaking various teaching, research and visiting appointments in National University of Singapore (NSTB Postdoctoral Fellow, Research Fellow), Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Research Fellow, Visiting Assistant Professor), University of Hong Kong (Research Assistant Professor), South China University of Technology (University Distinguished Professor), University of New South Wales in Australia (ARC Project Senior Fellow, Senior Visiting Fellow), Queensland University of Technology in Australia (CSIRO and ARC Project Visiting Fellow), Brunei University of Technology (Professor in Power Systems), Technical University of Denmark (Otto Monsted Guest Professor in Power Systems), Nanyang Technological University in Singapore (Visiting Fellow), Murdoch University in Australia (Adjunct Professor), Tallinn University of Technology (Professor in Energy Systems), Hangzhou Dianzi University in China (Yusheng XUE Education Foundation Distinguished Professor), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) in Australia (Honorary Visiting Scientist).
His research interests include: 1) power economics and electricity markets; 2) power system investment, planning and operation optimization; 3) smart grids and electric vehicles; 4) power system alarm processing, fault diagnosis and system restoration; 5) artificial intelligence applications in power and integrated energy systems. He has published 700+ papers including 200+ SCI-indexed papers, 540+ EI-indexed papers, and 690+ Scopus-indexed papers. His publications have been cited for 14900+ times. He has completed and is undertaking more than 170 grants and projects from governmental organizations and industry.
Prof Wen received many awards both at the national level and provincial level, including the most prestigious National Natural Science Award of China. He has been listed in "Most Cited Chinese Researchers" in five consecutive years since 2015 by Elsevier, and is the author of one of the China's 100 Most Influential Domestic Academic Papers in 2016.
Prof Wen is the editor-in-chief of Energy Conversion and Economics (IET, Wiley), the deputy editor-in-chief of Journal of Automation of Electric Power Systems, an editor of IEEE Transactions on Power Systems and IEEE Power Engineering Letters, a subject editor in power system economics of IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, associate editor of Journal of Energy Engineering and Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy. He is also on the editorial boards of more than 10 journals.
Prof Wen was the General Chairman of 2020 International Conference on Smart Grids and Energy Systems (SGES 2020), Nov. 23-26, 2020, Perth, Australia.
Prof Wen was elected to IEEE Fellow for contributions to fault diagnosis in power grids in November, 2020.
Xingxing Cheng
Shandong University, China
Brief introduction: Xingxing Cheng, PhD, Professor. Prof. Cheng’s research interests are mainly gaseous pollution control, biomass processing and hydrogen technologies. She invented a novel technology of decoupled catalytic NOx reduction by CO, developed the required catalysts and designed the reactor. This technology was widely desired for flue gas treatment of steel, coking, and chemical industry due to its high sustainability and extremely low investment and operation cost. It could well meet the energy saving demand in the low carbon era. She has published more than 70 papers and has more than 20 patents authorized.
Sayyed Mahdi Ziaei
Xiamen University Malaysia, Malaysia
Brief introduction: Sayyed Mahdi Ziaei is an Associate Professor of Financial Economics at Scool of Economics and Management,Xiamen University of Malaysia. He received his Ph.D. in Economics from Universiti Putra Malaysia. Much of his research over years has focused on three main fields; monetary and fiscal studies, Financial Economics as well as energy Economics. He has published More than 30 papers in SSCI, ABS, and/or ABDC listed Journals. He is accumulating a wide range of experience in international research institutes and universities in Asia and particularly in Malaysia.